Sunday, December 5, 2010

GTM Survey Now Online

A few weeks ago when we sent out the letter calling for submissions to "Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Respond to the 2010 Mid-Term Elections", we noted that we also were working on a survey. The survey is now complete and accessible by clicking here. We are asking you to share this information with your networks. Whether women choose to submit a letter or not, we are asking them to take a few minutes and complete this survey. The results will be reported in the upcoming book.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Go, Tell Michelle: The Play_Next Performance, San Diego!

Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company recently announced that it is very excited to present the first professional reading of the play you adapted, Go, Tell Michelle: African-American Women Speak to the First Lady. Our reading will take place on Tuesday, February 8, 2011 at 6:00 pm at the 10th Avenue Theatre in downtown San Diego. The Company continues by saying: “Our reading will be presented in partnership with the Women's History Museum and Education Center in San Diego, a small nonprofit organization. We are particularly excited because this reading will fall just two weeks before Mo`olelo's production of Stick Fly by Lydia R. Diamond, and we feel these two pieces will speak to each other in profound ways. Go, Tell Michelle marks a landmark moment in American history with the first African American President and First Lady in the White House; and Stick Fly provides a peek into the lesser-understood lives of African American elite.”

Co-authors, Barbara Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram plan to attend this premier performance in February and will participate in a “talk-back” following the performance. Local GTM contributors are also invited to attend this performance.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Go, Tell Michelle: Call For Submissions to New Book

November 10, 2010

“Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women’s Response to the 2010 Mid-Term Elections” (working title)

Dear Sisters:
Much has happened in the last 24 months! Two years ago this month, we celebrated the historic vote for Barack Obama as this country’s First African American President. We were excited, enthusiastic and hopeful that this election represented a sea change in race relations in this country. Our high expectations were tempered, however, by the tenor and tone of the campaign during which both President and Mrs. Obama were attacked through the use of stereotypic and racist imagery. So on November 18, 2008, we wrote an open letter to African American women requesting their submission of letters and poems that expressed their esteem, regard and support of Michelle Obama, as she embarked on an uncertain journey as this country’s first African American First Lady.

The response was over-whelming. In the short span of three weeks we received hundreds of letters. The messages expressed a wide-range of issues that African American women wanted to share with the First Lady as well as their well-wishes and support. For example, many of you used your personal histories and experiences as the backdrop to underscore the important impact you believed that Mrs. Obama would have on the image of Black women – as mothers, career women, accomplished leaders. You told her that you thought she would help to dispel the myths and misconceptions about Black women. You juxtaposed this election against the history of Black people in this country to emphasize its ground-breaking significance. You implored the First Lady to adopt your causes, e.g. health care, education, military families, as her causes. You paid homage to our ancestors, who would have rejoiced “to see this day!”

From the many letters we received, one hundred were accepted for the volume we entitled: “Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Write to the New First Lady”. Since its publication, “Go, Tell Michelle” has received rave reviews and a major book award. It has been used as a classroom text, a model for college women’s self-awareness discussion groups and adapted into a play. It is the only book that provided a platform for the voices of a diverse group of African and African American women to have their say about this historic event in American political/social history. In short, the messages sent to Mrs. Obama spoke not only for the writer but for our sisters around the world.

In the wake of the mid-term elections, we look back over the previous two years of the Obama presidency. During this period, the President and Mrs. Obama have faced unprecedented attacks that have included the “birther” debate, questioning President Obama’s citizenship and thus his legitimacy as the 44th US President. The question of his religion has become another “straw argument” in the on-going campaign to discredit the President’s authenticity and recent polls show that a sizable segment of the American population believe that he is a Muslim not a Christian. While still a topic that the President personally eschews, the issue of racism is increasingly identified as being the crux of the personal animosity toward him and his family.

While the First Lady appears to enjoy a higher approval rating than the President, she has not escaped criticism, which has been biased, mean-spirited and not befitting the office of First Lady. Many of the projects she’s advanced to combat child hood obesity, aid military families, promote education, for example, have been met with derision and ridicule. Even her personal appearance has been fodder for political opponents and right wing pundits. Most recently, reminiscent of the questions about who paid for Mrs. Robinson’s move to the White House, disparaging comments were leveled at the First Lady for a trip to Spain that combined official business with a mini-vacation for her and her daughter. Mrs. Obama and her children have also been the subjects of stereotypic and racist comments. When the perpetrators were called on these, they tried to cloak their offensive remarks in the thin vale of humor.

Given the foregoing and the recent mid-term election results, we think that this is the time to revisit, “Go, Tell Michelle” and for African American women once more to go on record. We are actively working on a sequel to volume one because the outcome of the Mid-Term Election is equally historic, not just because of the resurgence of the Republican Party and the rise of the Tea Party and the so-called “Grizzly Mommas” but for the implications it has for the 2011 Election. While the first two years of Mrs. Obama’s tenure as First Lady have presented successes, the challenges also remain, some of which we anticipated and some we did not. We are returning to you and others asking that you submit another letter to Michelle expressing your sentiments around these issues and your concerns for this young family.

We also have a Survey that we are asking you to respond to. We will send this questionnaire under separate cover. Whether you decide to write a letter or not, please take some time to respond to the Survey and return it to us. Once again, we are asking African and African American women around the world to raise their voices and send their messages to Mrs. Obama. We cannot afford to be silent in these tumultuous times. We are asking for your response by December 20th.

Please feel free to share this “Call” with others.


Barbara Peggy

Attachment: Consent Form

Monday, July 19, 2010

McNair Scholars: "Go, Tell" __________

While we have not been as active on this Blog recently as we were last year and earlier this year, we have continued to actively tell the story of "Go, Tell Michelle's" inception, its contributors, it's importance as an historic document and the responses we've gotten to this work from people all over the world. On July 17th, we had the pleasure to speak to a group of over 400 undergraduate and graduate students in the Ronald McNair Scholar's Program. These young people were attending the 16th Annual McNair Scholars Conference, hosted by the University at Buffalo. The McNair Conference is a forum for McNair Scholars and other undergraduates to network, prepare for graduate school, and present research projects before faculty, staff & peers! Students came from all over the country: Mississippi, Colorado, Indiana, Oklahoma, Maryland, New York State, Connecticut, just to name a few.

We were the key note luncheon speakers on Saturday and the audience was attentive and inquisitive as they asked many thought provoking questions following the presentation. We also did something different with the students to engage them in the process of letter writing. We asked them to write a letter to a person in their lives to whom they would want to send a special message. We received responses from about 10% of the students who attended the conference. As we've done with the letters to Michelle, we read the letters to identify the themes of the messages that these young people wrote. This is what we found:

As was anticipated, they wrote letters to the significant people in their lives; e.g. parents, grand parents, siblings, peers, professors, mentors and other family members. In their letters/poems they recognized and thanked these individuals for their love, encouragement, support, sacrifices and even admonishments. Their messages communicated that they were more mature, more self-assured, self-confident and self-directed then they were just a few years ago. They were honest and intro-spective, examining their own limitations and strengths, their aspirations and capabilities. And they declared their determination to not waste the opportunities given to them. They acknowledged the lessons they'd learned from the joyful, painful, sorrowful, spiritual, meaningful as well as meaningless experiences that have shaped who they are today. In all, these young people confirmed in poetic verse and prose that letter writing can be a powerful and meaning mechanism for personal insight and self-expression.

We thank all who had an opportunity to write and for their willingness to share these letters/poems with us. We think that this activity is worth repeating in high schools as well as college programs and look forward to working with other young people as they "go, tell ________" people in their lives.

Send us a message to this blog or to my e-mail address: if you have used the model of "Go, Tell Michelle" in a similar way and what the outcomes were.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dennison Bertram, son of Peggy Brooks-Bertram

Hello My sisters on the Network. I am writing to you again to ask for your votes for my son Dennison in the international photo contest at He is now in first place but still needs votes to hold on until tomorrow night, June 30th at midnight. I know I have written to you quite a bit recently and I sincerely thank all of you who have voted and who will vote. If you have not yet voted, however, I am just sending this reminder. If you need more information from me, you can find me on Facebook. Thanks again and have a great day.

Monday, May 10, 2010

And Now, A word from the West Coast

We recently received an e-mail from LaRhonda Crosby-Johnson and Dera Williams, who live in the Golden Gate area and who we met last year at our wonderful book signing at Rebecca's Books. LaRhonda writes of her and Dera's presentation on "Go, Tell Michelle" to a college class at Diablo Valley College. LaRhonda writes:

"Greetings Barbara and Peggy,

Just wanted to let you know that Dera and I represented the Bay Area GTM authors yesterday in an enjoyable reading and discussion with students at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill, CA.

Instructor, Carmen McNeil, had already assigned 5 readings from the book and the class was in the midst of listening to GTM on Stage when we entered. They will be following our discussion with a paper.

It was a mutual inspiration fest. Dera and I receiving as much as we shared. Students asked questions about racism, politics and what the Obama administration meant to us personally. What struck me most was how much they enjoyed the telling of the stories that talked about times/events before they were born.

It was exciting to see the young people inspired by the book and glad to have been a part of their first movement.

Our thanks again to Carmen for the invitation! and Continued success to you Queens.
Peace & Power, La Rhonda Crosby-Johnson CEO BARUTI Enterprises "

We also send thanks to Professor McNeil. Her students response to "Go,Tell Michelle" confirms our belief that this book is an appropriate and valuable text to evoke inquiry, critical thinking, self-reflection and appreciation of the African woman's experience.

We look forward to hearing from other professors who have used this text in their classes.

Photo: LaRhonda and Dera

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blog Radio Airs "Go, Tell Michelle"

Just when we thought this little book had no more to give, we received an alert from Google that Blog Radio was carrying excerpts from our audio book as a Women's History Month salute to Michelle Obama. In actuality it's a salute to all the Black women, contributors and non-contributors to the book, who are the essence of Women's History Month - 24-7 and 12 months during the year.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Word from President Davis of Empire State College

March is Women’s History month, and our college has hosted a number of related events. In addition, there have been many other articles, conferences and seminars generated across the state.
At our annual Women’s Studies Residency in Saratoga Springs on March 11, we experienced an amazing presentation by Barbara Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, the co-founders of the Uncrowned Queen’s Institute for Research and Education on Women Inc., at the University at Buffalo.
They are the editors of an extraordinary collection of poems, essays and letters titled “Go, Tell Michelle”, which was complied and published in record time between the election of Barack Obama and the inauguration in January, 2009.
(Kudos by the way to the State University of New York Press for getting this collection published so quickly and so well.)
These writings to the new First Lady from African American women from throughout the Unites States celebrate the joy of women everywhere for this historic moment. They talk about their mothers and their grandmothers, about their own personal struggles, and their hopes and fears for the future.
Powerful stuff, and presented to a crowd of women and men of all colors by the two editors with grace, dignity and humor, and especially with a generosity of spirit towards those of us who have benefited from various forms of privilege.
Then, on March 16, we had the good fortune to hear from former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Tarr-Whelan, who gave the college’s Richard H. Mattox Public Policy Lecture to a diverse and enthusiastic audience at the New York State Museum in Albany.
Ambassador Tarr-Whelan’s new book, “Women Lead the Way: Your Guide to Stepping Up to Leadership and Changing the World,” shares strategies women can use to leverage their unique leadership style that emphasizes communication, collaboration and consensus. She made her point by referring to the recent Oscars. It was wonderful that, for the first time in its 82-year history, a woman won the award for best director, while at every key level in the movie industry, representation by women hasn’t changed in the last 40 or so years. So, yes, let’s celebrate and cheer loudly, create individual role models and champions, but do not take individual achievements as an indication of deep change.
Ambassador Tarr-Whelan advocates working towards a “tipping point” which she says happens when just 30 percent of an organization’s decision-makers are women, a goal she hopes the U.S. will make serious effort to move forward on. She explained that “with only 17 percent of Congressional seats and 14 percent of Fortune 500 board seats held by women, the leaders defining the landscape of priorities and solutions continue to look and act much the same as generations ago.”
This is also why “Go, Tell Michelle” is such a powerful book: it celebrates the first First Lady for her heritage, her own talents and her accomplishments, but also encourages, challenges and reminds us of the work yet to be done, and that we have to be vigilant.
On a daily basis we (well, me anyway as a white male) need to think about how we may unintentionally reinforce or create barriers to full participation in our society of everyone. I see it when others are guilty (and all too often!) but I hope I am big enough to accept criticism when I miss the point too.
A dear friend of mine, when we were once engrossed in a discussion of political correctness versus authentic equality, generously offered her summary: “It’s a struggle: the point is to keep struggling, and not conclude that these problems are either hopeless, or somehow solved.”
Reprinted from President Davis' Blog

Monday, March 15, 2010

GTM – On the Road Celebrating Women’s History Month -2010 “Women on the Move: Activism, Revolution, Transformation”

This month we’ve had the pleasure of addressing several large groups of students, faculty and community members at Buffalo State College, Geneseo State College and Empire State College’s Women’s Studies Residency. We want to thank Dr. Jenn Hunt at Buffalo State College and Fatima Johnson at Geneseo State College for their invitations to speak late in February and earlier this month.

Also a very special thank you to Dr. MaryNell Morgan, Dr. Karen Garner and the planning committee at Empire State College for the invitation to share the messages of “Go, Tell Michelle” at the Women’s Studies Residency. On March 11th, we had the pleasure of being the keynote speakers for the Residency, which was sponsored by Empire State College in Saratoga, New York. Appropriately named, “Women on the Move: Activism, Revolution, Transformation”, this conference kicked off with our keynote address on “Go, Tell Michelle” and continued with a series of workshops on the theme. We spoke to a large diverse audience, including Empire State President Alan Davis and his wife; the Deans of the Northeast Center and the Center for Distance Learning, administrators, faculty, students and members of the Saratoga Springs and surrounding communities.

We were greeted by such a warm, enthusiastic group! And had a great time on Thursday night! A book signing that followed the presentation was a complete sell out. We met so many wonderful women and men and regret that we did not have time to talk to everyone at length. But one special gentleman that we met, along with his wife – Mr. & Mrs. William Hill- shared with us that he’d heard our interview with Michele Norris on NPR in January 2009. After listening to the interview, he said that he went out immediately and purchased numerous copies of the book for young women in his family. And he intended to share the book with others, via the book itself, Facebook and word of mouth, especially now that he’s had the chance to attend our lecture.

Thanks William; not only for your support of this work, but for understanding its significance and for making the trip to meet us and share your story. We look forward to meeting you and your lovely wife again in the near future.

Photos: Barbara and President Davis; Peggy and Mr. & Mrs. William Hill; Barbara, Peggy and MaryNell

Go, Tell Michelle and “Writing Women Back into History”

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the National Women’s History Project. In recognition of this milestone and to underscore the necessity of continuing the work to document the contributions of women to this nation’s history, the Project’s 2010 Women’s History Month Theme is “Writing Women Back into History”. In elaborating on the theme, the Project states that: “It often seems that the history of women is written in invisible ink. Even when recognized in their own times, women are frequently left out of the history books.” And when we apply this statement to the identification, documentation and preservation of the history of women of color its implication is even more significant.

Over the last three decades it’s not surprising that the body of research and the publications on women have increased substantially as women have assumed the responsibility for writing our own history in indelible ink. For women of color, while strides have been made in documenting our achievements and contributions in every aspect of human endeavor, we still find that our history is often over-looked, trivialized, ignored, distorted or marginalized. Since the publication of “Go, Tell Michelle”, Peggy and I have addressed numerous audiences across this country. We’ve made a point of explaining the significant contribution that “Go, Tell Michelle” makes to the history of Black women. this book documents, in their own words, the responses of black women to the historic election of the first African American President of the United States and the First African American First Lady of the United States- Michelle Obama.

Far from “neatsy, cutesy” social letters sending best wishes to Michelle Obama, the one hundred women who wrote to Mrs. Obama addressed numerous subjects that are of concern to them. The themes expressed in these letters are indicative of individual and as well as universal issues. Within the letters, the women used mechanisms such as poems, family stories and anecdotes, and references to historic events and individuals. Several major themes emerge from the letters; they talk about the negative stereotypic image of Black women and how Michelle has begun to dispel these myths; they admire and applaud her stance as Mom-in-Chief and her decision to have her mother move to the White House with the family; they encourage her to adopt certain causes – health care, military families, mental health and education; they offer prayers for her and President Obama and remind her that “our mothers prayed for you”. The themes of these letters reflect the genuine and thoughtful messages these women wanted to share with Mrs. Obama. I only offer a few here as we look for feedback from readers.

“Go, Tell Michelle” offers a unique opportunity for educators, in secondary and post-secondary schools to use the only book of its kind – a contemporary compilation of the responses of a diverse group of black women to an extraordinary moment in our nation’s history. In fact we have received information from a number of schools that have used the book in Black Women’s Studies; Psychology of Black Women, Black Women’s Leadership Forum. These include: Bennett College, Geneseo College, Los Angeles Southwest Community College, and Diablo Valley College, CA. Also, one doctoral student cited “Go, Tell Michelle” extensively in the Epilogue of her dissertation.

So, if you know of any educator who is using GTM as a text in a course or for a special assignment, we ask that you let us know how the book is being used and the response of the students.

Photo: Peggy and Barbara with Gwen Ifill and Michele Norris at NABJ Conference - August 2009

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Go, Tell Michelle Inspires Students to Write Letters of Personal Reflection

Yesterday, we went to Geneseo State College about 60 miles from Buffalo. The College is noted as one of the State University of New York schools which is consistently ranked high for academic excellence. We were invited to participate in the College's Women's Expo, a day-long series of workshops and presentations on various issues important to women. The event is sponsored by the Women in Leadership Program; a collaboration of several campus organizations. Special thanks to Fatima Johnson, Director of the Multicultural Programs & Services for the invitation.

Our presentation which we entitled "Having Their Say: Documenting Black women's responses to the historic advent of America's First African American First Lady" was attended by a diverse audience of students, faculty and staff. We talked about the deep reservoir of issues reflected in our contributor’s letters to the First Lady; the importance of this book in documenting the responses of African American and African women to this historic event in our Nation's history; and the impact that our experiences in writing this book, meeting other contributors, meeting and receiving communications from our readers have had on us personally.

Throughout 2009 and now into 2010, our experiences with this "little" book of letters continue to surprise us, uplift us, dramatically demonstrate the power of letter writing as a tool of self-expression, and provide examples of the creativity and innovation of individuals in response to this work. Which brings me back to yesterday’s visit to Geneseo and some amazing young women, who we met -- starting with their counselor, Patricia Gonzalez, who mentors a women’s leadership group for the women of color on campus.

As it turns out, Patricia or Trish attended a presentation that we did last March at the Tri-State Consortium of Opportunity Program’s annual conference in New Jersey. I recall that we had a very large audience at our session. We had a book signing after the presentation and that a number of the participants asked about getting us to come to their campuses to talk about the book. After getting her copy of the book, however, Trish took it back to her students and after sharing the letters with them suggested that they write letters to themselves. The letters could be to their “old” self or to their “future” self. The exercise required honest and sometimes painful reflection and trust as the students were asked to read their letters aloud to members of their group.

Several of the students who came to our presentation yesterday participated in Trish’s group. They brought their letters and read them to us and the other members of the audience. What a special treat! As I said the letters were very personal and demonstrated the considerable thought, candid personal assessment and guide posts for future accomplishment that these young women saw for themselves. What an awesome experience! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Trish and your students for sharing with us. That was the highlight of our trip! We hope to hear from you. Hope you’ll respond to this blog and wish you continued success. In you we see our future and we are in good hands!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Go, Tell It! Students Perform their own version of “Go, Tell Michelle”

Peggy and I often talk about “unintended consequences” related to the Uncrowned Queens Institute. Unintended consequences are those seemingly random and un-anticipated outcomes which result from a project in addition to the “intended” outcomes. As an example, a decade ago when we designed the Uncrowned Queens Project, we expected that we would gather, document and preserve the histories of many “unheralded” African American community builders. We anticipated that our website, which makes this archive of Uncrowned Queens’ histories accessible to the World Wide Web, would create a dynamic, first-of-its kind “techno-pedia” for enrichment of educational curriculum, historical research, oral history research, for example. It has done that and much more. But, we could not have guessed, ten years ago, that thanks to the website, we would also become an “information referral service” uniting long lost relatives or connecting academics; or an informational source for those constructing obituaries, testimonials or personal dossiers and curriculum vitae.

I offer this backdrop to preface my assertion that we’ve learned a few things over the last decade about the creativity and inventiveness of people that usually prepares us (or so we think) for the “unintended consequences” that accompany the work we’ve been engaged in for so long. Over the last year, we have certainly explored, discussed and written about the diverse and powerful lessons that can be found in “Go, Tell Michelle”. We have not been alone in our assessment that the letters in “Go, Tell Michelle” capture and define the historic response of African American women to the election of our first African American President accompanied by our First African American First Lady. Several colleges and professors have incorporated the book into courses that explore issues that impact the lives of Black women and about which we feel passionately. But we also believe that there are other venues by which these issues can be taught, debated and related to current and historic themes.

We took the first step, we think, of collaborating on the creation of a dramatic vehicle (an unintended consequence) so that we could expand the limits of discourse about the significance of “Go, Tell Michelle”. We are just at the beginning of that endeavor but can envision the potential for another exciting educational vehicle as an accompaniment to the text. In fact, this past Friday this belief was re-enforced by a group of high school students, who surprised the hell out of us, took our breath away and “one-upped” us by putting some of our words to music! (another unintended consequence) In a short production they called, “Go, Tell It”, students from the Canisius College Talent Search Program reflected on the lessons of “Go, Tell Michelle” and kept their peers, approximately 125 male and female, spellbound by their performance. The 50 adults in the room were also captivated by the talent and creativity of these junior and senior high school students.

Peggy and I are delighted that these students are reading and finding a way to interpret the messages from “Go, Tell Michelle” in a way that has meaning for them. Peggy and I will be following up with the staff to set up some discussion group sessions as we believe that when a door is open, one should go through it. This group may not be the only group of high school students who have developed a unique way to learn from “Go, Tell Michelle”. If you know of other adaptations of the book, please let us know. We’re interested in adding to list of outcomes for “Go, Tell Michelle” – intended and unintended!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Little Book That Could! The Odyssey of “Go, Tell Michelle”

A year after the publication of “Go, Tell Michelle” and travels that took us and it across this nation and the world, for that matter, we continue to find new opportunities to share the messages from African American women to our First Lady, Michelle Obama. On Friday, the 6th of February, Cornel West paid a visit to our fair city to lecture at the University of Buffalo. I was honored to receive an invitation to a reception that Dr. West was scheduled to attend. Always mindful of “seizing the moment”, I carried a copy of “Go, Tell Michelle” with me in my handbag. Not knowing if I’d have the opportunity to do more than greet Dr. West and not wanting to mess up my book, I carefully wrapped it in tissue paper and placed it inside a plastic supermarket bag before placing it in my handbag.

The reception was great. There were many individuals there, who I already knew and some that I didn’t. They introduced themselves saying that they’d heard of/read the book or seen the play, which they enjoyed immensely! Of course I was very pleased to get this feedback but as time got closer for the lecture and no Cornel West, my hopes of being able to present my copy of the book to him began to dim. And then, almost as if by magic, he appeared. I found myself face to face with Dr. Cornel West!

Dressed in his traditional black suit, a broad smile on his face, brimming with congeniality, he grabbed my hand and greeted me warmly. With no time to waste, I immediately introduced myself as co-editor of “Go, Tell Michelle”, to which he replied, “Oh, that was published just this year.” Well, “No”, I replied, “last year, but we have just turned it into a play.” I pushed on to explain that I’d brought him a copy of the book and mindful that he probably did not want to carry around a book, packaged in a supermarket plastic bag, I asked him if he had an assistant who could carry it for him. He did and if you look closely in the photo at the gentleman in the middle between Dr. West and me, you'll notice the plastic bag. It's my hope that he'll read it and let us know what he thinks. Hope springs eternal!

What’s next? Let’s see who's scheduled to visit Buffalo soon. Considering that we have not lived up to our reputation this year as a snow capital of the country, there might be quite a few who’d love to venture to our “neck of the woods”. Beats going to D.C., Maryland, Virginia and a lot of other places that are experiencing “snow-maggedon” this month.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Louisiana State University Libraries Puts Spotlight on "Go, Tell Michelle"

In celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 18, 2010 and Black History Month during February 2010, LSU Libraries offers you a recommended reading list of current publications relating to the African American identity. As always, unless they have been checked out, these books are all available to you via LSU Libraries. Special thanks to Linda Smith Griffin, LSU Libraries Liaison to the African and African American Studies Program, and Alice Daugherty, for compiling this list of books and authors.

Thus far, the list has been viewed by 168 World Cat users.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Go, Tell Michelle_A Montage of Voices

Go, Tell Michelle_The Play was performed on January 19th at the University of Buffalo's Allen Hall Theater. An encore performance marking the first anniversary of President Obama's inauguration was given on the 20th the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Public Library. Both performances had standing room audiences. You can listen to this exciting performance. (CLICK ON THE WORD PERFORMANCE)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Pray for our sister Miriam and support the Haitian Relief Effort

Miriam Guichard, a member of the GTM Sisterhood Network, is in Haiti. She arrived there a day before the earth quake. We have heard from her and know that she is safe but we continue to pray for her safety and that of her family. We can all help the relief effort with our donations. Every amount helps, no matter how small. Join us, keep Miriam in your prayers and donate to Haitian relief.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Thoughts on Michelle : Gusto Magazine: The Buffalo News

The Buzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz has started regarding the play. We hope that the entire country will be talking about "Go, Tell Michelle: the Play" just liked they did about the book! See the latest from our hometown newspaper, The Buffalo News.

Thoughts on Michelle : Gusto : The Buffalo News

Monday, January 11, 2010

Go, Tell Michelle Comes to the Stage

On January 19th, we will make history when the dramatic adaptation of "Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Write to the New First Lady" comes to the stage at Allen Hall Theater at the University at Buffalo. Adapted and directed by Robert Knopf, chair of the University's Theater and Dance Department, "Go, Tell Michelle: the Play" will feature three readers; Karima Amin, Peggy Brooks-Bertram and Barbara Seals Nevergold.

Brooks-Bertram, Seals Nevergold and Knopf were interviewed by local NPR station, WBFO-FM reporter, Eileen Buckley on January 11th. Listen to their interview by clicking on the link below:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Book TV Re-airs "Go, Tell Michelle" Program in 2010

Book TV re-aired our appearance at Bus Boys & Poets Bookstore in Washington, DC. The program kicked off the New Year by airing on January 1st and 2nd. If you missed the Go, Tell Michelle Presentation on Book TV, you can view the video at this link. Please let us know what you think of this program, which features Barbara Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, co editors of "Go, Tell Michelle" along with contributors: Betty Falato, Lori Polin Jones, Miriam Guichard, Regan Botts Ruiz and Donna Aza Smith.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Va, Parle `a Michelle!

Several months ago, thanks to our contributor, Miriam Guichard, we were introduced to AMINA, a French magazine for African women. Peggy and I, along with several other contributors were interviewed and those interviews were translated into French for the magazine. We are indebted to Marie Leontine Bilombo Tsibinda who conducted the interviews and translated our responses and to Miriam who worked on the translation as well.

Miriam just wrote to update us on the publication of the first of these interviews in AMINA. We don't have a copy of the actual magazine at this time, but I was able to go on line and download a copy of the cover. The magazine is not available on-line but Miriam is trying to get copies for us.

We are continually gratified by the ways in which this sisterhood network has built relationships that have national and international reach! Nous vous remercions! (Thank you) Sisters Miriam and Marie for your support and belief in the importance of this project!

Go, Tell Michelle: You’ve Read the Book, Now See the Play

“Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Write to the New First Lady” (SUNY Press, 2009) the award winning volume of 100 letters to Michelle Obama written shortly after the 2008 election of President Barack Obama has been adapted as a dramatic production. Drs. Barbara Seals Nevergold and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, co-authors and editors of the book, have been working with Dr. Robert Knopf, chair of UB’s Drama Department on this dramatization. The outcome of this collaboration is Dr. Knopf’s adaptation, a one hour play that features three readers.
Dr. Knopf describes “GO, TELL MICHELLE: the Play” as more than a dramatic reading: “It is a montage of lost voices, personal stories, and heartfelt emotions unleashed by the tide of history that has swept the nation.” The play will debut on January 19th at UB’s Allen Hall on the South Campus on the eve of the first anniversary of President Obama’s historic inauguration.

Under Dr. Knopf’s direction, storyteller Karima Amin, Brooks-Bertram and Seals Nevergold will give voice to the stories and poems in this dramatic adaptation. The play will debut on January 19th at UB’s Allen Hall on the South Campus. Performance time is 7:00pm and the production is free and open to the public. Jericka Duncan, reporter from WIVB-TV will act as Emcee.
A second performance will take place at the Frank E. Merriweather Jr. Library on January 20th. As with Tuesday’s program, this performance will be free and open to the public. The Uncrowned Queens Institute and the University at Buffalo’s Department of Theatre and Dance are co-sponsors of this production. The Buffalo Teacher’s Federation is also a key sponsor.

In December 2009, “Go, Tell Michelle” was named by book and movie critic Kam Williams as one of the 10 Best Black Books of 2009.

The program is free and open to the public. Information can be obtained by calling (716) 829-6047.